If you can't RSVP, try using the exact title(s) and name displayed on the invitation envelope. If that doesn't work, just shoot Joe a message at (716)2204717. It's a spreadsheet issue. Our registry is here-> https://www.honeyfund.com/site/BozYost316
If you can't RSVP, try using the exact title(s) and name displayed on the invitation envelope. If that doesn't work, just shoot Joe a message at (716)2204717. It's a spreadsheet issue. Our registry is here-> https://www.honeyfund.com/site/BozYost316
Reservation Procedure: CALL-IN/WEB-LINK (Individuals making their own reservations)
Please share the below web-link with your guests. They may use this link to reserve their room via our website. Your guests may also call the hotel reservation line at (888) 786-7389 and use the code SCIBOSW to reserve their room(s). All room reservations must be made before the cutoff date of Tuesday, February 11, 2025 to receive the discounted group rate. Any unused rooms in the group block will be released back into the general hotel inventory at the cutoff date.
I will have a code shortly