If you can't RSVP, try using the exact title(s) and name displayed on the invitation envelope. If that doesn't work, just shoot Joe a message at (716)2204717. It's a spreadsheet issue. Our registry is here-> https://www.honeyfund.com/site/BozYost316
If you can't RSVP, try using the exact title(s) and name displayed on the invitation envelope. If that doesn't work, just shoot Joe a message at (716)2204717. It's a spreadsheet issue. Our registry is here-> https://www.honeyfund.com/site/BozYost316
Joe and Tanya met in San Diego in 2018 at Tanya’s night club. They immediately felt a connection, (you know, that good old fashioned feeling...) Personal circumstances, logistics and other factors didn’t allow for realistic relationship opportunity at that point.
Joe invited Tanya to visit Las Vegas. After long conversations, text messages and smoke signals, Tanya agreed to visit for a weekend. During her visit, they both knew they were falling in love but wanted to let things settle.
They continued to see each other for nearly a year. In the spring of 2019, they vacationed in Berlin with some of their best friends and committed themselves to each other.
Since then, many adventures have been shared and their love has only grown stronger.
Fast forward to May of 2024. Tanya and Joe embarked on a romantic vacation to Europe. They visited Berlin again. Joe took Tanya to Frederick The Great's summer home, Sanssouci Palace in Potsdam, Germany. On the grounds overlooking the breathtaking views, he proposed and she said yes!
They are very excited to be able to have you all come celebrate their union! Joseph and Tamara are so grateful to you for making the effort and sacrificing your time (and monies) to share this special day!